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I always come back to Photography, one day I find myself jumping at every opportunity to take photos and improve my work and some days I just feel like I'm doing the same thing, over and over again. It takes a lot to hold my interest, one bad shoot and I'm ready to sell my camera. Sometimes we all need a little motivation, here are are some tips on how to stay inspired:

1. CHANGE YOUR LOCATIONS. Go out and take a photo walk! You can go see places nearby you haven't visited before. You can take different paths to work, visit different parks or Zoo's. Traveling is a good way to change your location, and a great way to make your photos more interesting. Take a day trip and visit the nearest city or town and capture people, architecture, or landscape. Visit a Farmer's Market or a Photo/ Art Exhibition. Make a wish list of all the places you would like to see.

2. TRY DIFFERENT LENSES OR CAMERAS.Try to take photos using various lenses, learn about different lenses and shooting techniques. Do you know every little feature your camera offers? If not, explore the instruction manual and you might come across some useful camera feature that you haven't used. If you can't afford a new camera, try renting one.

3. READ BLOGS. Reading blogs from other Photographers will inspire you and give you new ideas.

4. CARRY YOUR CAMERA AT ALL TIMES. I take my camera with me in the car everywhere! You never know what you will see on your way somewhere.

5. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES WITH PEOPLE! Try to make interesting photographs without people in it. Look for scenes that have loneliness or a sense of abandonment , like a old creepy abandoned house or barn. Look for objects or urban landscapes, or get creative with food.

6. GET CRITIQUED. Take photography classes and receive feedback from other photographers, it can help to encourage you, and help you ways to improve or approach things differently. If you can't take photography classes, ask other photographers, or friends what they think about your work.

7. REDESIGN YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE. Try to change a different template on your site every year or so. Change some photographs and put new photos on ,maybe re-arrange your portfolio, make it interesting with different layouts.

8. GET FAMILIAR WITH FILTERS. Try different filters in Photoshop, it is a good idea to spend some time trying out each filter on an image, so you can figure out what filters you like best. Have a play with the settings, it will give you a idea on how to change the results of the picture. An hour of experimenting and taking notes will improve your work.

9. BUY A BOOK ON PHOTOGRAPHY. There are plenty of books to buy with some imaging techniques and inspirational projects. It will give you more ideas to be creative with your photos.

10. JOIN PHOTO CONTESTS. A lot of people seem to be running some photography competition. Pick one of your favorite photos and share! It's a great way to motivate photographers.

11. GIVE YOURSELF PROJECTS TO DO. Take a week or two and focus on practicing your skills in black-and-white photography. Which pictures would look best without color?

12. SEASONAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Go out and take photos of the vivid colors of spring with it's lovely flowers, Fall time with those beautiful colorful scattered leaves, long summer days with breathtaking sunsets, capture Macro Snowflakes in Winter time or capture snowy Landscapes.

Regardless what kind of photographer you are, if photography is your hobby or a profession, someday you’ll reach to a point when the motivation starts to fade, you slowly stop shooting, or don't have no time for it, and the inspiration is gone. Inspiration is a long-term goal that comes from inside you. You need to find ways to motivate yourself. Challenge yourself with different projects, by making preparations and thinking ahead to that moment and how you’ll turn your creative ideas into a beautiful photograph.

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